Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Flash in the Pan or a New Hero in Town?

At 12:38pm, a women was dragged into an alleyway near the intersection of Fifth and Willow, held at knife point by her mugger. However, this attempt was stopped by a police officer, who was deposited in front of the criminal and was able to take him into custody.

Now, while the police actually stopping a crime isn't all that rare, what is unusual is the manner in which this officer arrived at the scene. The police officer had been standing at his car several hundred yards away, unaware of the crime happening just down the street. Then, in a flash, he found himself with gun drawn and witnessing an attempted robbery.

"I was in front of the shop by my car before it happened, so they moved me all away around the block corner to the alley in that time," the officer describes. He then goes on to describe the experience as "...kind of scary."

The officer's description of the sensation is not an unfamiliar one. The feeling of being dragged and moved before one is capable of reacting has been mentioned in reports by those who have been attacked by Bunny, Capitol City's infamous speedy villain. However, Bunny has never been recorded as acting to prevent crime or working to apprehend criminals in any way.

The question that remains then is who prevented this crime? And, if there is a new hero in town, are they fast enough to keep up with Bunny or will they be left in the dust? I suppose only time will tell.


  1. noooo thats too much speed. how are we supposed to see cool fights if everyone is Sonic? that poor cop tho lol

  2. this is definitely some interesting news. i'll be keeping my eye out for this new vigilante. We could really use someone who can take on Bunny. Even Dragonfly can't compete with that speed! At the least i pray this xeno doesn't have negative intentions.

  3. That poor cop must have been so confused...
