Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Back to our regularly scheduled programming!

So, uh, that was weird.

To those of you who haven't been keeping up, my blog had some really strange technical problems the other day, which somehow resulted in a lot of my previous posts being wiped. So it seems like we'll be starting from scratch once again.

Still, it was really weird. But I'm not very good with any of this technological stuff. If any of you are more saavy than me, I can send you some of the error codes and maybe you can let me know what happened. But hey, I guess this is what happens when one posts a story about black helicopters.

Either way, back to the show! There are plenty of unusual happenings in this city and there's no way a few glitches are going to keep me from spreading the truth!


  1. Glad to see this up and running again!

  2. I thought my number one place for local bat-s*** crazy conspiracy theories was gone forever :'(

  3. I'm so glad ur back!! Too bad all my clever puns are gone,,i worked hard on those

  4. Don't worry guys, I'm gonna do my best to make sure we can keep all our data if something else goes awry next time

    Your puns will be safe, Jerry, I will protect them

  5. ahhh its back!!!
    i read this like it's the morning newspaper tbh
